13H. St. Albert Place
St. Albert Place
Across the river you will see a large undulating brick building: the work of renowned architect Douglas J. Cardinal. Completed in 1983, St. Albert Place was created as the Civic and Cultural Centre of the city. It is home to the City Hall, St. Albert Public Library, Musée Héritage Museum, Arden Theatre, several artist’s guilds and visual arts studios. Echoing the curves in the winding river, Cardinal’s building is typical of his nature-focused design. His Blackfoot and Métis background provided him with a clear vision for designing gathering spaces for communities. St. Albert Place is the centre of many of the City’s major events and celebrations, and outside, during the summer months, St. Anne Street is also the site of the vibrant St. Albert Farmers’ Market.
St-Albert Place
Vous pouvez retrouver, de l’autre côté de la rivière, le grand édifice ondulant fait de briques de l’architecte Douglas J. Cardinal. Complétée en 1983, St-Albert Place a été conçu comme centre culturel et civique de la ville. La mairie, la chambre du conseil, les bureaux de la ville, la bibliothèque publique de St-Albert, le Musée Héritage Museum et le théâtre Arden Theatre s’y trouvent. L’édifice de Cardinal rappelle la rivière sinueuse, symbole typique de ses designs incorporant les éléments de la nature. Ses connaissances des Pieds Noirs et des Métis ont inspire M. Cardinal pour la construction d’espaces communautaires. St-Albert Place est un lieu central pour plusieurs évènements et célébrations pendant l’été. La rue Ste-Anne vibre aussi lors du marché des fermiers de St-Albert.
St. Albert Place
âkâmisîpiy kawâpahtên êmisâk êhasinikahcikâtêhk êmahkâhanâkwak kamikos:otatoskêwin awa wiya tân’si kêsihtâhk kamikwa Douglas J. Cardinal. êkîsihtâhk 1983, St. Albert Place êkîhosihcikâtêhk isi Civic êkwa Cultural Centre ohci ôtênâhk. êkota kâhayâki City Hall, St. Albert Public Library, Musée Héritage Museum, Arden Theatre, mihcêt otâpasinahikêsak mâmawinitowina êkwa ita kâkanawêyicikâtêki pâpîtos isihcikêwina. kêsiwahwâkistikwêyâk sîpiy, Cardinal okamikos kanistawinên êhisihcikâtêki. okaskitêwayasit iyiniwin êkwa otipêyisowiyiniwin wîcihikow kanistawâpahtahk tân’si kêsihcikâtahk ôhi kamikwa ohci mâmawinitowin. St. Albert Place ita mihcêt kîkwaya kâhitâkamikâki ohci ôtênaw êkwa kâmohcikihtâwinihkêhk, êkwa wayawîtimihk , nîpinohk, St. Anne Street ita kâhayâk St. Albert Farmers’ Market.